Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits

Construction statistics from approved building permit aims to provide monthly data on building construction at the municipality level nationwide. Some of the statistics derived from approved building permits are number of units or buildings, floor area, value of construction and type of building. These statistics are the bases of estimates of the level of construction activity useful in the computation of national income accounts and serves as indicators on the level of investment in the country. As such, the data are invaluable in analyzing present economic conditions and past developments, forecasting future trends and making policy decisions.

Approved building permit relates to data on new constructions and additions, renovations and repairs of existing structures. The data are taken from the original application forms of approved building permits collected by National Statistics Office (NSO) personnel from the Local Building Officials (LBOs) nationwide. However, statistics from approved building permits are characterized by some limitations namely: constructions refer to those proposed to be constructed during the reference period and not to construction work completed during the reference period; and the completeness of the number of building permits collected relies on the applications filed and approved by the LBOs, hence, building constructions without approved building permits are not included in the statistics.

This metadata presents the final data series on construction statistics from approved building permits for the year 2009. The final data set provides updates to the preliminary data on the 2009 Quarterly Special Releases on construction statistics posted every 100 days after each reference quarter in NSO website. The sources of updates are additional approved building permits collected after cut-off dates because of data collection constraints. These additional documents were not yet available for inclusion in the quarterly tabulation of data on designated target dates.

Datasets Microdata Documentation Database
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits 2021 zip zip zip
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits 2014 zip zip zip
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits 2009 zip zip zip
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits 2008 zip zip zip