Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry

The Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (QSPBI) is a nationwide quarterly survey which aims to provide quarterly data on employment, compensation and revenue/sales for each of the identified leading (key) industry groups (3-digit PSIC code) and selected groups of industries (2/4/5-digit PSIC code) of the amended 1994 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC).

Moreover, value of production, inventories and capacity utilization are also collected for Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply, Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities sector.

The survey is one of the main sources of data in the compilation of the Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) and in the construction of the Quarterly Economic Indicators (QEI). The Macroeconomics Accounts Service (MAS), of the PSA, is the main user of the QSPBI data. Also, the quarterly total retail trade (G47) revenue data from the QSPBI will be utilized by the Department of Economic Statistics of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas for monetary policy review.

Note: The QSPBI microdata files are classified as files that are accessible only in the PSA Data Enclave. For more information about the PSA Data Enclave, please visit the help desk on Data Enclave.

Datasets Microdata Documentation Database
Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry 2020 zip zip zip
Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry 2019 zip zip zip
Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry 2018 zip zip zip
Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry 2017 zip zip zip
Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry 2015-2016 zip zip zip
Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry 2008 zip zip zip