Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment

The Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment (ISLE) is a modular survey that integrates the data requirements on employment, industrial relations, occupational injuries and diseases and labor cost of employees.

Initiated in 2003, the ISLE (fomerly BITS) is a modular survey that integrates the data requirements on employment, industrial relations, occupational injuries and diseases and labor cost of employees that were collected by the former BLES through independent surveys such as Survey on Specific Groups of Workers (SSGW), Employment, Hours and Earnings Survey (EHES), Industrial Relations at the Workplace Survey (IRWS), Occupational Injuries Survey (OIS) and Labor Cost Survey (LCS). Starting 2012 round, the survey covers establishments both in the agricultural and non-agricultural industries with 20 or more workers. Each round of the ISLE covers different aspects of employment and establishment's practices. The inquiry on occupational injuries and diseases is a regular feature while that on labor cost is undertaken on a less frequent basis.

Note: The ISLE microdata files are classified as files that are accessible only in the PSA Data Enclave. For more information about the PSA Data Enclave, please visit the help desk on Data Enclave.

Datasets Microdata Documentation Database
Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment 2019/2020 zip zip zip
Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment 2017/2018 zip zip zip
Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment 2015-2016 zip zip zip
Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment 2013/2014 zip zip zip
BLES Integrated Survey 2011/2012 zip zip zip
BLES Integrated Survey 2009/2010 zip zip zip
BLES Integrated Survey 2007/2008 zip zip zip
BLES Integrated Survey 2006 zip zip zip
BLES Integrated Survey 2003/2004 zip zip zip
BLES Integrated Survey 2002/2003 zip zip zip