Family Income and Expenditure Survey

Provides data on family income and expenditure which include among others levels of consumption by item of expenditure as well sources of income in cash and in kind.

Specifically discusses levels of living and disparities in income and spending patterns of families belonging to different income groups.

Also includes related information such as number of family members employed for pay or profit (or as wage, salary, or own-account workers); occupation, age, and educational attainment of household head; and other housing characteristics.

Volume I (National Summary) - contains statistical tables at national and regional levels (urban-rural) and some comparative data from previous FIES.

Volume II (Provincial and Key City/Municipality) - presents data at the national, regional, provincial, and key city/ municipality levels (Years 2000 and earlier).

Volume III (Special Report on Housing) * - presents highlights of the survey results on housing with textual and statistical tables that compare latest data with previous FIES results.

Datasets Microdata Documentation Database
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2021 Volume 1 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2018 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2015 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2012 Volume 2 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2012 Volume 1 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2009 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2009 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2006 Volume 3 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2006 Volume 1 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2006 Volume 2 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2003 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2000 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 1997 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 1994 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditures Survey 1991 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 1988 zip zip zip
Family Income and Expenditure Survey 1985 zip zip zip